Our Approach to Supporting Young People

Our approach is shaped by the communities and families we are part of. We map our activity to where the need is greatest and work hard to create the conditions where all feel confident to ask for help and empowered to access the right support, at the right time on their journey.

Whether through a Youth Hub, Skills Session, community project, or in a 1:2:1 setting we provide welcoming, safe spaces with trusted adults to help develop skills, tools and the resilience to overcome challenges.

Each young person and family’s situation are unique. Taking a holistic approach, we provide the foundations that can create lasting meaningful change. We are flexible and adaptive tailoring our support the stages of the journey of change each family and young person is on. We offer a fun environment that is appealing to young people who may have slipped through other support or have disengaged from education recognising that there are many routes to a brighter future.

Motiv8’s 8 Strands

Realising our vison, mission, and values the eight strands of Motiv8 show the diversity of our work. A large, committed, place based organisation, our work has evolved greatly since we were founded in 1998. The constant has been our commitment to empowering young people, forging trusted relationships with them and those around them to ensure everything we do is youth led.

The 8 Strands are our public commitment to placing them at the heart of each part our delivery.

Feedback From Families

“It has made me view the relationship with the children from a different perspective and given me the tools and confidence to make positive changes.” [Single mum of four children aged 7 – 17 years]

“It makes me feel really happy and safe to know my daughter is with others who come here [to your youth hubs] and can share some things. we’re able to do loads of things now and talk about our problems”

“We didn’t think G would be able to leave the house again. Walking and cooking with his mentor has helped his and my world feel brighter. I feel like things are better now’.”

“These Bike Hub activities have made a huge difference to me. I felt supported and gained my confidence back because of Motiv8.”

‘E seems happier on a Monday when she has hub, she is more talkative, and it is nice to see her away from her screen’

“We have all grown in confidence. We feel happier. We feel included”

Feedback From Young People

“I feel positive when I come to the (hub) sessions. I’m thinking about applying for a part time job in a bike shop. My support worker has never given up on me and that has made me feel good.

“I feel that I’ve been involved with a lot of things because of Motiv8. I’ve continued with the hubs and I’ve gone to the recruitment day and got my first job because of Motiv8. There’s been multiple times where I’ve been asked what ideas I have and how I could become more involved at my time with Motiv8. I really appreciate this because it shows that they all care at Motiv8 and that’s so important for any young person.”

“I have grown in confidence. I feel happier. I feel included, I feel positive when I come to the hub sessions. I’ve learnt to talk to people instead of keeping it all in.’

“Motiv8 helped me come to terms with who I am and what I’ve done whilst continuing to grow my mental health and become a more mature, more rounded individual.”

“My life before Motiv8 was very isolated. Now I’ve really come a long way with projecting myself to others and becoming more confident and able to talk things through”

Feedback From COmmunity Partners

“I think these [Motiv8] hubs are so important because it’s a safe place with safe adults that will listen. Not every child has this in their community and because of Motiv8 they are able to experience that environment.”

“Just keep doing what you’re doing. The help you give, I think, is underestimated. The support and dedication you provide to young people is incredible and can literally be a life saver to these kids.’

“These students do not reach the criteria of behaviour interventions, as their needs are more confidence based and therefore often miss out on support. This Motiv8 peer support programme about emotional health and well-being is just what these young people need and it is great to see them all so engaged.” – [Year 8 teacher commenting after a 10 week targeted peer group support programme for 12 students aged 12 and 13]

“A huge thank you for the help you have given my family. Your kindness, support and commitment is 2nd to none without this kind of service available my young person would not be as confident and is now looking forward to a happy future which 6 months ago they didn’t see themselves with a future.”

Outcomes Star – Evidence led positive change

The Outcomes Star is an evidence-based tool for supporting and monitoring change. Led by the person supported, the Outcome Star helps young people consider where they are in relation to all aspects of their life including their emotional health and wellbeing, their social networks, life skills, access to education and learning, progression to work, boundaries and behaviour.

We use the Outcome Star at the start and end of each targeted intervention to highlight distance travelled by the young person and celebrate their successes. By setting meaningful goals and putting in place a shared, ambitious but achievable plan to take steps towards reaching them, our support harnesses strengths, matching our coaching and support where they are on their developmental journey.

The Outcome Star approach understands that to begin accepting help, you must give a young person a safe space to try new things, support them when they find what works and through any set back they may face. Thanks to this clear evaluation, when the time is right, we can more effectively bring together all those necessary to develop lasting structures for a brighter, more resilient independent future.